


Clinical chemistry autoanaliser


gesan Chem 500 is provided with two 
dispensing arms. One dedicated to sample
(serum plasma, urine and CSF) and the other
dedicated to reagents.
Both are equipped withe a pre-heater 
system for liquid, a shock sensor and 
a capacitive liquid level detector.
Both arms take a maximum of 7 
second for sampling, dispensing 
and re-washing operations.
The separation between sampled 
liquid and washing solution is assured
by the use of an electro-mechanical
rocker valve for each arm.
Fluid circuits are made of long
life Te on tubing.



gesan Chem 500 is based on Windows XP pro operating system.
A user friendly interface assist the operato and simpli es the daily routine work.
Real time check of liquid levels.
Real time check of patient results.
QC with levy-jennings plot on three levels.
graphic representation of work session.
gesan Chem 500 : the art of simplicity.

Calipso Luxury

Calipso Luxury Massage Tub Features:16 standard programs, regional body massage, massage zone 8.
Advanced programming possibilities - starting and stopping the massage to the individual zones, time zone settings for individual massages, turn on all zones simultaneously.
Automatic water / air hose.
The number of nozzles for air and water: 252.
Pressure for air and water regulations.
Automatic water pump drying after ending the procedure.
Procedure time 00-30 minutes.
Ergonomiс like shape with a special foot support and a built-in handholds.
Bak can be used with freshwater and marine.
Inbuilt color therapy system (80 LEDs) with underwater lighting systems - (4 light colors - white, blue, red, green), color changes automatically every 15 seconds
All these features are built into a separate tool and integrated in a way that is easily accessible on the casing bottom plumbingware.
Special ergonomic design for added comfort when taking procedures in the sitting position.
The tub is made of heat-resistant glass and white acrylic.
Different coatings are available: glass mosaic, bicolor plastic, bamboo, stainless steel.
Water and air to circulate in the same pipe, which ensures the possibility of mixing in vibrating massage and aromatic flavorings.
For the entire body or massage zone with a mix-up in the air for aromatherapy and withdrawal.
Especially for the printed form of the head when massaged in a position accumbent.
Access to the built-in apparatus maintenance through the plate easily removed.
Water discharge to a procedure 220 l.
Anatomy of an ergonomic design with a niche for the arms in position accumbent.
Bak equipment:
252 nozzles
16 rooms sprays
drainage plumbingware
8 water jet pump for mixing air into the pipe from the bathtub
A turbine pump, 3 kW, 230/400 V, 3-phasic current, turn the water 850 l / min, max 2 bars, with the engine off for protection
water temperature in the heating process remains constant without constant because the technology aerohydrodynamic
system of light and color effects with 4 color
filler device consisting of a thermostat with protection from thermal burns
output 60 l / min, a faucet filled, a faucet to wash hands, a hand shower with holder
A hand shower to wash tub
2 handholds
A headrest
A detachable foot support
Digital control unit for fully automatic programming procedure is built into a console
Statistical Technical: Dimensions: 2300 х 900 х 860 mm. Volume tanks - 270 liters, weighs 300 kg. Cantilevered bathtub chassis, fiberglass reinforced epoxide is very smooth. Synthetic coating. Currently supply: 400 V / 50 Hz. Power consumption: 4 kW. The amount of water jet pumps - 8. One turbine pumps, output 850 l / min.

Examination Techniques CT-Scan Head

A. Indications Examination (BONTRAGER, 2001)

Tumors, masses and lesions
Brain metastases
Intra-cranial bleeding
Brain atrophy
Post-trauma disorders (epidural and subdural hematoma)
Congenital Abnormalities
B. Examination preparation a. Preparation No special preparation of patients for patients, only instruksui-instruction regarding patient positioning and inspection procedures should be clearly known, especially if the examination using contrast media. Objects accessories such as false teeth, wigs, earrings, hair penjempit, and hearing aids must be removed first before the examination because it will lead to patient comfort artefak.Untuk recall examinations performed on air-conditioned room the patient should be given blankets (Brooker, 1986) b. Preparation tools and bahanAlat and materials used for examination of the head can be divided into two, namely: 1. Sterile equipment:

The means of injecting
Gauze and cotton
2. Non-sterile equipment

CT-Scan plane
Contrast media
Oxygen tank
c. Preparation of contrast media and drug-obatanDalam a CT-scan of the head in pediatric need nonionic contrast media due to pressure reactions to contrast media such as dizziness, nausea and vomiting, and anesthetic drugs if needed. Contrast media used for the body's anatomical structures like blood vessels and other organs organism can be distinguished clearly. In addition to the use of contrast media can reveal the presence of abnormalities in the body such as the existence tumor.Teknik injection Intra Venous (Seeram, 2001)

Types of contrast media: omnipaque, Visipaque
Volume usage: 2-3 mm / kg, maximum 150 m
Injection rate: 1-3 mm / sec
C. Examination Technique

Position the patient: Patient supine on an exam table with your head close to the gantry.
Object Position: Head hiperfleksi and diletkkan on the head holder. The head is positioned so that the mid sagittal plane of the body parallel to the indicator lights and interpupilary longitudinal line parallel to the horizontal indicator lights. Patient's arm is placed over the abdomen or in addition to the body. To reduce the movement of the forehead and the patient's body should difikasasi with a special belt on the head holder and the examination table. Knees were given a booster for patient comfort (Nesseth, 2000).

Scan Parameters

Scanogram: lateral head
Range: range I of the base until the pars petrosum cranii and II of pars petrosum range up to the vertex.
Slice Thickness: 2-5 mm (range I) and 5-10 mm (range II)
FOV: 24 cm
Gantry tilt: gantry angle depends on the size of the angle formed by the orbito meatal line with vertical lines.
kV: 120
mA: 250
Reconstruksion Algorithm: soft tissue
Window width: 00-90 HU (supratentorial brain); 110-160 HU (brain in posterior fossa); 2000-3000 HU (bone)
Window Level: 40-45 HU (supratentorial brain); 30-40 HU (brain in posterior fossa); 200-400 HU (bones)

Photos before and after entry of contrast media
In general, a CT-scan of the head takes 6-10 axial slices. However, such measures can vary depending on the purposes of diagnosis. For cases such as a tumor then the number of slices will reach twice that of having made the images before and after contrast medium income. The goal made the images before and after contrast medium income is to be able to distinguish clearly whether the organ abnormalities or not.
The resulting images in a CT-scan of the head in general:
Pieces Axial I
Is the most superior part of the brain called the hemisphere. Criteria picture is apparent:

a. The anterior part of superior sagittal sinus b. Centrum semi-ovale (which contain material cerebrum) c. Longitudinal fissure (part of falks cerebri) d. Sulcus e. Gyrus f. The posterior superior sagittal sinus

Axial Pieces IV
An axial slice of the four so-called medial ventricular rate. Criteria picture looks:

a. Anterior corpus collosum b. Anterior horn of the left lateral ventricle c. Caudate nucleus d. Thalamus e. Third ventricle f. Pineal gland (a bit less calcified) g. Posterior horn of the left lateral ventricle

Pieces Axial V
Describing the brain tissue in the medial third ventricle. Criteria for images that look:

a. Anterior corpus collosum b. Left lateral ventricle anterior horn c. Third ventricle d. Pineal gland e. Protuberantia internal occipital

Axial Pieces VII
Sliced ​​into seven is a depiction of the field of orbital tissue. The structure of the slices is difficult to properly revealed in the CT-scan. Modifications of the position angle head is done to get the picture looks:

a. Eyeball / occular bulb b. Right optic nerve c. Optic Chiasma d. Temporal lobe e. Midbrain f. Cerebellum g. Lobe oksipitalis h. Water mastoid cell i. Or ethmoid sinus and sphenoid sinus


Electrolytes in Hypertension

Examination of Sodium

Persons with hypertension (high blood pressure) need to conduct sodium, sodium consumption

(salt) that can cause hypertension and withdrawal of fluid into the blood vessels so that the volume

increases blood circulation & heart muscle stretching increases cause increased blood pressure.

The concentration of sodium in blood plasma is the ratio between sodium and water in the plasma

Disabled with aldosteronism, which is a medical condition in which the gland produces aldosterone kidney child

excessive, and an increase in sodium (hypernatremia) light.

Potassium examination

Potassium examination intended to determine electrolyte balance in people with hypertension. potassium

low (hypokalemia) is found in 80-90% of people with hypertension caused by aldosteronism


"ventilator "untuk anak-anak dan orang dewasa
